What We Offer

Our Courses

We create high-quality eLearning courses that develop practical skills for the tech industry. Our courseware focuses on automated industrial control systems, organized into tracks with hands-on labs using custom-designed circuit modules. These modules reinforce key concepts through real-world experimentation, bridging theory with practice.

TRACK 1Industrial Sensor Applications

Investigate the structure and operation of several transducers and sensors used to monitor temperature, motion, proximity, and vibration in manufacturing and material handling systems. Learn about the signal conditioning circuitry required to interface transducers and sensors with industrial control systems. Perform guided experimentation connecting sensors to signal conditioning circuitry.

TRACK 2Industrial Applications of Microcontrollers

Investigate the structure and operation of microcontrollers embedded within industrial control systems, ranging from eight to thirty-two bit families of MCUs. Investigate methods of connecting MCUs to peripheral devices and signal conditioning circuitry.

TRACK 3 – Industrial Applications of Electromechanical Devices

Survey the various forms of electromechanical devices found in automated industrial equipment, beginning with basic manually operated switches. Transition to the study of solenoids, relays, AC motors, DC Motors, and stepper motors. Learn methods of controlling motor speed, torque and direction.

TRACK 4 – Solid-State Industrial Switching Devices

Survey a wide variety of solid-state switching devices found in industrial equipment, including bipolar transistors, power MOSFETs, SCRs, TRIACs and solid-state relays. Investigate applications of various forms of input/output modules used in control of industrial machinery.

TRACK 5 – Industrial AC and DC Power Distribution

Learn how three-phase (3Ф) AC power is accessed from a local electric utility system and distributed throughout an industrial facility to provide power bussing for machinery. Investigate how AC voltage is converted to various levels of refined DC voltage suitable for powering system control circuitry.

TRACK 6 – Industrial Applications of Wireless Communication Systems

Understand how short range wireless communication links have greatly reduced the costs involved in networking amongst industrial control systems. Identify the common communication protocols used in wireless communication. Identify common modulation techniques used in short range wireless communication. Understand government guidelines pertaining to unlicensed wireless systems.

Our Modules

Our Circuit Modules

Featured Circuit Modules
Explore our versatile, easy-to-use circuit modules designed for hands-on learning, seamless integration, and efficient project development. See our Knowledge Base for more detailed information:
Flasher/Audio Alert Circuit Module 
C51 Microcontroller Project Launcher 
Microcontroller Display Module 
DC Voltage Breakout Circuit Module
Reflective Proximity Sensor Module 
Simple 315MHZ Transmitter Circuit Module 
Simple 315MHZ Receiver Circuit Module   
Breadboard Circuit Modules
Quick, reliable, and easy-to-use modules designed for hands-on electronics experimentation and learning in both classroom and eLearning environments.
Quickly build and test projects with minimal jumper wire connections on breadboard sections.
Ideal for experimenting with advanced communication and sensor circuits.
Perfect for secondary and post-secondary electronics labs with easy access to connectors.
Works seamlessly with electronics trainers like the Global Specialties PB-503C for eLearning.
Free-Standing Circuit Modules
Easy-to-connect modules for labs, with flexible power options and seamless integration for project development.
Designed for secondary and post-secondary electronics labs with easy access to connectors and test points.
Easily connects to external power sources like AC adapters and benchtop supplies.
Seamlessly integrates with each other and PRESSON Breadboard Circuit Modules for efficient project development.

 Advantages of PRESSON Products

PRESSON eLearning courseware and circuit modules are highly versatile.
They can be used in traditional classrooms and electronics labs.
Ideal for independent learning or hybrid courses combining classroom and eLearning activities.
PRESSON products seamlessly blend theory with hands-on activities.
The courseware covers subject matter that is directly relevant to modern industry.

And more!

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